T2 fungicide spray

Univoq™ fungicide

Proven to deliver robust disease control and higher yields

Whether in the field or across independent trial sites, Univoq fungicide has shone brightly as a unique solution for broad-spectrum cereal disease control. 

Robust in the face of septoria and rusts, the coformulation of the novel Inatreq active molecule in combination with prothioconazole is optimised by Corteva Agriscience’s patented i-Q4 formulation. 

The result is a unique fungicide with no cross resistance to other chemistries, enhanced spray retention, and the ultimate in coverage, penetration and uptake. 

Univoq provides lasting protection for your crop, laying the foundations for higher yields.   

For 2025, Corteva’s best practice application advice will enable growers to benefit from the unique and outstanding performance of products containing Inatreq with confidence.   


Watch our short introduction to Univoq with Corteva's Colin Bowers

Product range

Corteva cereal fungicides containing Inatreq™ active:

Read what farmers and advisors are saying about Univoq:

Dr Aoife O’Driscoll

Septoria flag leaf sprays need to balance risk and reward

This season growers will be really looking at the cost of their programme and how much of a return they are likely to get from their investment, and Univoq should have a leading role to play. For many years in our trials it consistently shows excellent disease control which transfers into a yield uplift.  

For example, in years like 2023 where a dry June saw disease stopped in its tracks following T2 applications, Univoq still added around 0.3t/ha over its currently available competitors. In wetter years where the pressure is on to keep flag leaves clean, this yield advantage can reach up to 0.7t/ha. Read the full article here.


Andrew Mahon

A fifth year of reliability for Northants grower

Northamptonshire-based Andrew Mahon has used Univoq for five seasons running. He grows 350ha of wheat and last year used Univoq across 300ha. 

Andrew applied Univoq at a rate of 1.25l/ha on 18 May 2023. “We went on the early side, but there was a weather window. We were happy with Univoq’s performance, particularly from a rust and septoria perspective,” he adds. “It did what it said on the tin.”

Oliver Pipe Univoq user

Septoria suppression in Suffolk for Oliver Pipe

“Using Univoq was a decision I made with my agronomist as to what would give us the most bang for our buck. It was one of the top-performing products and definitely the most competitively priced.  When we applied it there wasn’t much disease to clear up, so the Univoq just quietly got on with its job and the crop stayed green.  Yields were good – there are so many variables you don’t know if it’s down to any one thing in particular, but if you’ve kept it green you know it’s going to be alright.”


Jim Organ Univoq user

Univoq keeps septoria at bay

A Cotswolds farmer who has had no septoria on his farm since applying Univoq is “100% sure” he will continue to use it in the future.

Jim Organ, who farms 650 acres near Bourton on the Water, has applied the fungicide, which contains Inatreq active, to his winter wheat crop for the past two years. 

“My agronomist said it’s the best septoria cure on the market, so that’s why we went with it,” Jim says. Read the full article here.



Looking forward to using Univoq for the 3rd year running

Alex Sherwood grows up to 300 acres of wheat every year and applied Univoq on his agronomist’s advice. 

“It performed very well,” Alex says. “I didn’t notice any disease when we applied it, so it was used more as a precaution than anything else. 

“I would definitely use it again and would recommend it to other farmers,” Alex says. “I would also stick to the same rates and timings.”  Read the article in full here.

"We have been using Univoq for the past three seasons. The disease control and the cost of the product fit well into our programme. We have been using it at T2 but in 2024 used some at T1 on certain varieties." 

Adrian Joynt
Apley Home Farm, Shropshire

"I was involved in trials of Univoq before it launched and have been using the chemistry across the whole farm ever since. I know it's reliable on disease and my agronomist advises that it's the most cost-effective solution for septoria control."  

Carl Clayton
Intake Farm, Tadcaster
North Yorkshire

The latest news - not to be missed

May 2024

Septoria flag leaf sprays need to balance risk and reward.
This year it’s important to match fungicide spend to the potential of the crop. Where crops have limited potential growers are going to be looking for value for money in terms of disease control and product reliability.

Predominantly used at the T2 fungicide timing, Corteva’s Univoq™ arrests latent disease and protects the crop for the following four-to-six weeks.
Read in full here.

Fungicide programme decisions in a torrid year; food for thought
Technical update from Corteva’s Field Technical Manager, Craig Chisholm.  Read in full here.

"There will be no one-size-fits-all approach to T1 and T2 fungicide applications in 2024. The seemingly never-ending rain has seen to that. Instead, we expect to see wheat growers across the UK and Ireland to make their product and rate choices on a field-by-field basis depending on their individual circumstances."

Cereal growers will need to use the best tools available to them to offset the threat of septoria this year, Corteva Agriscience has advised.

After the warmest February on record for England and Wales, followed by a very wet March, early indications in the field are pointing towards a high septoria pressure year. The conditions look likely to create a perfect storm; septoria lesions are already being spotted in fields, even on varieties with proven high resistance, such as Extase. 

Best options for septoria disease control in wheat - Farmers Weekly

The most effective fungicide for controlling septoria in wheat has been found to be Univoq, which is slightly ahead of SDHI-azole combinations, according to independent trials carried out by crop consultant NIAB.

New wheat fungicide available to Irish growers - IFJ

Univoq is one of the leading fungicides used to control septoria and rusts across Europe.

Univoq pivotal to success case study
A Velcourt farm manager who achieved record wheat yields for his farm in 2022 believes the unique active ingredient in Corteva Agriscience’s new fungicide, Univoq™, was pivotal to his success. 

The characteristics of Inatreq active

  • It is the first picolinamide to be registered in the UK with a new class of chemistry for broad spectrum disease control in cereals.
  • It offers robust control of Septoria, including isolates resistant to other sites of action.
  • It is an excellent broad-spectrum active as it also offers control of yellow and brown rust.
  • It is optimised with our patented i-Q4 technology bringing flexibility in application without compromising disease control.

Corteva cereal fungicides containing Inatreq™ active registered for use in the UK:
Univoq™ | Peqtiga™ | Questar™ Peacoq™  | Aquino™  | Apaveq™ | Inconiq™ | Poquet™

Award winning packaging

The unique design of the Univoq bottle improves production sustainability by minimising operator exposure, allowing easy product pouring, total emptying and rinsing, and is easier to recycle. 

Read what farmers are saying on social media:

Univoq bottle and packaging
Univoq bottle and packaging
Univoq benefits
Univoq benefits

USE PLANT PROTECTION PRODUCTS SAFELY. Always read the label and product information before use. For further information including warning phrases and symbols refer to label.

Inatreq™ active contains fenpicoxamid.