
Inatreq™ active statement - 30 May 2022

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Further to Corteva UK’s recent statement regarding Inatreq™ active, the company has assembled a team of technical experts and field scientists to work with distributors, equipment manufacturers, sprayer operators and growers in the investigation of reported complaints in relation to sprayer components when the tank mix being applied includes products containing Inatreq™ active.

While Corteva UK works to understand the root cause of the matter, growers and agronomists are choosing to maximise the growing season by continuing with spraying to ensure crops are protected, and are encouraged to take the usual precautions to mitigate the risks of disease outbreak.

When using products containing Inatreq™ active, the company has issued a technical statement that reinforces guidance on water volumes, especially when tank mixing, and the need to follow best practices for sprayers, such as frequently flushing spray lines with clean water.

It is important to note that the majority of sprayer operators have experienced no issues using the product and the reports relate to only an isolated few. The company has not experienced any prior complaints during the previous seasons.

We are confident in the safety and efficacy of products containing Inatreq™ active. When used according to label instructions, Inatreq™ active offers robust disease control of the key wheat diseases such as rusts and Septoria – including strains resistant to other chemistries.

For more information:

Technical hotline: 0800 689 8899

Email: ukhotline@corteva.com