LumiGEN® Seed Treatments

Seed Tech

Pioneer® branded seed treated with LumiGEN seed treatments

Establish healthy, uniform crops and maximise the productivity with advanced seed treatments from Corteva Agriscience™ on Pioneer® branded seed. LumiGEN technologies is the overarching seed treatment portfolio exclusive to the seed brands of Corteva Agriscience. 

Seedlings need protection during the critical early growth period and with LumiGEN technologies, farmers can have confidence their seedlings are protected.

Benefits of LumiGEN seed treatment

Best-in-class seed treatment protection

LumiGEN technologies identify the development, research and formulation behind diverse and growing seed-applied technologies to maximize farmer productivity.

Proven results

LumiGEN technologies seed-applied treatments help establish a healthier, more uniform crop for a strong start and greater yield potential.


Seedlings need protection during the critical early growth period. Extensive research and testing of the LumiGEN technologies portfolio gives growers confidence that their seeds and seedlings are protected.

Winter oilseed rape options for 2024

In 2024 new crop Pioneer winter oilseed rape seed is available treated with either LumiGEN Premium or LumiGEN Premium Powered by Lumiposa.

LumiGEN Premium

LumiGEN Premium is a combination of two individual treatments which are Lumidapt Optima™ and Scenic Gold™. Lumidapt Optima is the most advanced and effective nutrient seed treatment so far developed and offered by Corteva. Scenic Gold is a fungicidal treatment manufactured by Bayer.  

Benefits of LumiGEN Premium: Promotion of rapid early growth and suppression of seedling diseases.

Diseases controlled: Phoma, downy mildew and the damping-off complex of diseases.

LumiGEN Premium Powered by Lumiposa

LumiGEN Premium Powered by Lumiposa is a combination of three treatments which are Lumidapt Optima™, Scenic Gold™ and Lumiposa. Lumidapt Optima is the most advanced and effective nutrient seed treatment so far developed and offered by Corteva. Scenic Gold is a fungicidal treatment from Bayer that protects against various seedling diseases including phoma, downy mildew and damping-off diseases. Lumiposa is an insecticide that provides protection against Cabbage Root Fly and modest early protection against Cabbage Stem Flea Beetle. 

Maize options for 2024

In 2024 Pioneer maize seed is available treated with either LumiGEN Bird Repellent or LumiGEN Insecticide Bird Repellent.

LumiGEN Bird Repellent

LumiGEN Bird Repellent combines three treatments which are Lumidapt Optima, Redigo and Korit. Lumidapt Optima supports rapid early growth. Redigo M from Bayer is a fungicide that protects against fusarium and pythium infection. Korit is a bird repellent.

LumiGEN Insecticide Bird Repellent 

LumiGEN Insecticide Bird Repellent is a combination of four individual products. Lumidapt optima supports rapid early growth. Redigo M from Bayer is a fungicide that protects against fusarium and pythium infection. Korit is a bird repellent. The fourth treatment is an insecticidal treatment, either Ibriditrin or Force CS, both of which protetct against attack by wireworm.   

LumiGEN seed treatment options include products that are either approved for application to seed in the UK or approved for application to seed in the EU. Current UK regulations permit the import and use (sowing) of seed already treated with products that are approved for application to seed in the EU., even though in some cases those products may not be approved for their actual application to seed in the UK.