Pas·Tor Agronomy Pack


Use the Pas·Tor Agronomy Pack because:

  • It delivers long-lasting perennial weed control in one convenient box 
  • Excellent dock, thistle and nettlecontrol  
  • Pas® and Tor® are translocated to the roots ensuring long-term control
  • Pas·Tor Agronomy Pack does not hold back grass growth after application

For more information download our FREE Forage App. Available to download from the App Store or Google play now.

Or call our Technical hotline: 0800 689 8899 or e-mail:




Pas and Tor are translocated to the plant's roots which ensures long-term control.

Excellent control

Excellent control

The Pas·Tor Agronomy Pack does not hold back grass growth after application and demonstrates excellent dock, thistle and nettlecontrol.

Application Advice

Pas and Tor are physically compatible and can be applied as a convenience tank-mix when each is mixed together at 1.0 L/ha to get a wide spectrum grassland herbicide giving excellent control of docks, thistles and nettles. For spot treatment of weeds use Grazon® Pro or Grazon® Spot. Pas·Tor can be applied via a vehicle mounted spray boom, including a spray boom mounted on a quad bike / ATV. 


For best results:

  • Apply when weeds are actively growing and have reached the optimum growth stage (pre-flowering). It’s common that weeds emerge at different times and different plants can be at different growth stages. In this scenario Corteva Agriscience recommends topping and then applying Pas·Tor once sufficient regrowth has occurred. 
  • Stock grazing can resume 7 days after application.  This may need to be longer if foliage of poisonous weeds is present.
  • Clover can be stitched in 6 weeks after application of Pas·Tor, grass seed can be stitched 4 weeks after application. 
  • Allow an interval of minimum 21 days, ideally 28 days before cutting for silage or hay. 
  • Pas·Tor is for use in established grassland over 12 months old. For weed control in newly sown leys under 12 months, use Leystar® or Envy®.
  • Grass treated with Tor must not be cut for hay, haylage or silage within 12 months of treatment. 



Need more information?

If you have a question, or would like to learn more about the application of Pas·Tor Agronomy Pack, check out our helpful resources:

Technical Hotline

Contact Us

For more info call our technical hotline: 0800 689 8899, or e-mail:

FREE Forage App

FREE Forage App

For more information download our FREE Forage App. Available to download from the App Store or Google play now. 

Crop of Use

You can view a comprehesive list of Pas·Tor Agronomy Pack weed control in the technical specification sheet.



Grass, established

Technical Specifications





Product Registration Number MAPP 17772
Active Ingredient 150 g/litre fluroxypyr + 150 g/litre triclopyr
Pack Size 1 x 2.0 litres
Formulation Emulsifiable concentrate
Maximum Individual Dose 2.0 L/ha
Maximum Total Dose 2.0 L/ha (one application per year)
Latest Timing 7 days before grazing or cutting
Rainfast 2 hours
Water Volumes Can be reduced to 200 L/ha with air inclusion nozzles
Spray Quality MEDIUM as defined by BCPC





Product Registration Number MAPP 19958
Active Ingredient 200 g/litre clopyralid + 200 g/litre triclopyr
Pack Size 1 x 2.0 litres
Formulation Soloution concentrate
maximum Individual Dose 1.0 L/ha
Maximum Total Dose 1.0 L/ha (one application per year)
Latest Timing 7 days before grazing or cutting
Rainfast 2 hours
Water Volumes Can be reduced to 200 L/ha with air inclusion nozzles 
Spray Quality MEDIUM as defined by BCPC

‘‘®™Trademarks of Corteva Agriscience and its affiliated companies. Use plant protection products safely. Always read the label and product information before use.