

Envy® is for use in three key areas:

  1. Envy is an excellent solution for weed control in newly sown leys, particularly where docks are growing from root fragments.
  2. Envy is the best option for controlling chickweed (common and mouse-ear) in cooler conditions and also controls a wider spectrum of weeds than straight fluroxypyr.
  3. Envy can be used where horses, cattle, or sheep graze low input grassland. Envy controls buttercups, dandelions and other perennial weeds in paddocks and low productivity grassland. 

Envy has a short stock exclusion of just 7 days and no herbicide residue concerns in manure, which is very important in equine situations where manure is picked and used on gardens or allotments. Envy comes in a 3 litre pack. Apply any time between 1st Feb & 30th Nov at 1.5 L/ha. Further application guidance is below. You can find the product label here.

For more information download our FREE Forage App. Available to download from the App Store or Google play now.

Or call our Technical hotline: 0800 689 8899 or e-mail: ukhotline@corteva.com


No herbicide residue concerns in manure

No herbicide residue concerns in manure

Best option for chickweed control (common and mouse-ear)

Chickweed control

Application Advice

Envy is a translocated contact herbicide. Therefore, broad-leaved weeds not present at application will not be controlled.


For best results:

  • Apply when weeds are actively growing and have reached the optimum growth state (pre-flowering), 
  • If weeds grow beyond the ideal stage, consider cutting the sward and spraying the regrowth.
  • Post cutting, allow sufficient regrowth to occur before applications of Envy are made.
  • To allow maximum translocation, do not cut grass for 4 weeks after application. 
  • Do not roll or harrow grass for 10 days before or 7 days after application. 
  • Do not spray where clover or other legumes are a valuable constituent of the sward.
  • Grass seed can be stitched in 1 month after application.
  • Clover can be stitched in 3 months after application.
  • Grazing can resume after just 7 days. This may need to be longer if foliage of poisonous weeds such as ragwort are present.


Need more information?

If you have a question, or would like to learn more about Envy application, check out our helpful resources:

Technical Hotline

Contact Us

For more info call our technical hotline: 0800 689 8899, or e-mail: ukhotline@corteva.com

FREE Forage App

FREE Forage App

For more information download our FREE Forage App. Available to download from the App Store or Google play now. 

Crops of Use

You can view a comprehesive list of Envy crops and controls in the technical specification sheet.



For Seed (Gramineae)


Newly sown ley

Technical Specifications





Product Registration Number MAPP 17901
Active Ingredient 100 g/litre fluroxypyr + 2.5 g/litre florasulam
Pack Size 3.0 Litre
Formulation Suspension Emulsion
Maximum Individual Dose 2.0 L/ha established grassland 
 1.5 L/ha new sown leys 
 1.5 L/ha grass for seed
Maximum Total Dose 2.0 L/ha established grassland 
 1.5 L/ha new sown leys 
 1.5 L/ha grass for seed 
 (one application per year)
Latest Timing 7 days before grazing 
 28 days before cutting
Water Volumes 200 L/ha newly sown leys 
 200-400 L/ha established grassland
Spray Quality MEDIUM as defined by BCPC

®™Trademarks of Corteva Agriscience and its affiliated companies. Use plant protection products safely. Always read the label and product information before use.