

Thistlex® is a very effective translocated product for the control of both creeping and spear thistle. It is very safe to grass.

Thistles need controlling because they:

  • Compete with grass for space, light, nutrients and water.
  • Are unpalatable to stock.
  • Lead to greater incidence of Orf.
  • Reduce the area of grass available for grazing.

For more information download our FREE Forage App. Available to download from the App Store or Google play now.

Or call our Technical hotline: 0800 689 8899 or e-mail:


Excellent control

Excellent control

• Thistlex gives outstanding control of creeping thistle and spear thistle 
• It gives up to 85% control 12 months after application 
• It also has activity on common nettle and dandelion 
• Thistlex does not hold back grass growth after application 



Thistlex is a product which is effectively translocated to the roots of both creeping and spear thistles, ensuring long-term control.

Application Advice

Do not use Thistlex on grassland that will be cut for animal feed (fresh cut grass, silage, hay or haylage), fodder or bedding nor for composting or mulching within 12 months of treatment.

For best results, apply Thistlex between 1st March and 31st October. Use once per year at a rate of 1.0 L/ha in a water volume of 200 L/ha.


Need more information?

If you have a question, or would like to learn more about Thistlex application, check out our helpful resources:

Technical Hotline

Contact Us

For more info call our technical hotline: 0800 689 8899, or e-mail:

FREE Forage App

FREE Forage App

For more information download our FREE Forage App. Available to download from the App Store or Google play now. 

Crop of Use

You can view a comprehesive list of Thistlex weed control in the technical specification sheet.



Grass, established

Technical Specifications





Product Registration Number MAPP 19876
Active Ingredient 200 g/litre clopyralid + 200 g/litre triclopyr
Pack Size 3.0 litres
Formulation Solution concentrate
Maximum Individual Dose 1.0 L/ha
Maximum Total Dose 1.0 L/ha (one application per year)
Latest Timing 7 days before grazing. Apply between 1st March and 31st October.
Water Volumes 200 - 400 L/ha
Spray Quality MEDIUM as defined by BCPC


‘‘®™Trademarks of Corteva Agriscience and its affiliated companies. Use plant protection products safely. Always read the label and product information before use.