Crop Protection

Broadway® Star


Broadway® Star delivers an outstanding performance in winter wheat against yield robbing grassweeds including wild oats, ryegrasses and bromes PLUS the bonus of controlling an extensive range of broad-leaved weeds.

How to make the most of Broadway Star:
1.  Leading product for Ryegrass, Brome, Oats and Broad-leaved weeds
2.  Use as part of a programme
3.  Use with a residual partner
4.  Apply to a small target weed (optimally 1-3 leaf)
5.  Apply to active growth (2-3 days either side of application)
6.  Soil temperature ideally 8°C (minimum of 6°C)
7.  Ensure optimal application techniques are followed:

  • Pre tillereing: 130-150 L/ha, FINE-MEDIUM spray quality, CFF, VPFF, Defy nozzles
  • Tillering: 150 L/ha, MEDIUM spray quality, CFF, VPFF, twin fluid nozzles

Key considerations: 
Active growth; Size of (grass) weeds; mix with a residual; attention to detail when spraying; avoid stressed crops.

For easy to access information on the go, download our FREE Arable App. Available to download from the App Store or Google play now.


For more info call our Technical hotline:  0800 689 8899 or e-mail:

About Broadway® Star


Wide weed spectrum

Wide range of broad-leaved weeds controlled including poppy, cleavers, brassica weeds, cranesbill, groundsel, speedwells, pansy and many more

Wide range of tank mixes

Wide range of tank mix compatibilities

No residue concerns

No carry-over concerns – short half-life = rotational and cultivation flexibility

Now with on label spring wheat approval

•  Includes all spring varieties irrespective of when they are sown
•  Application window March 1st GS21 up to May 31st GS32 of  the crop
•  Max application rate 200 g/ha in spring wheat
•  One application per crop
•  Apply with an adjuvant
•  Wide range of broad-leaved weeds controlled
•  Control of wild oats up to GS23 of wild oats
•  No joint applications with ALS containing products are currently supported on spring wheat
•  Avoid spraying stressed crops


  • Rye
    Rye, Winter (Secale cereale)

  • Triticale

  • Wheat
    Wheat, Spring (Triticum aestivum)

Weeds Controlled

Weeds Controlled




6 etl


100 mm


150 mm

Common field speedwell

6 etl

Field pansy

4 etl



Geranium spp.

8 etl



Ivy- leaved speedwell

6 etl


8 etl


MS-150 mm


6 etl

Shepherd’s purse

6 etl

Volunteer beans


Volunteer linseed

6 etl

Volunteer oilseed rape

6 etl

Volunteer peas

4 - 6 etl

Wild radish

6 etl

Key: bold – label weeds; BFBV = Before flower buds visible; BFSE = Before stem extension; etl = established true leaves; MS = Moderately susceptible

Non-Label weeds listed as an indication of the effect that would be expected to be achieved based on limited data - these are not recommendations; just an indication of what effects might be achieved.



Technical Specifications

Product Registration Number:
MAPP 18273

Active Ingredient:
70.8 g/kg pyroxsulam + 14.2 g/kg florasulam

Pack Size:
1.06 kg (4 hectares)

Water Dispersible Granule

Maximum Individual Dose:
265 g/ha winter wheat
200 g/ha spring wheat

Maximum Number of Applications:
1 per crop

Application Timing:
Winter wheat
GS11-32 inclusive

Spring wheat
March 1st GS21 - May 31st GS32

Water Volumes:
100-200 Litres water/ha.
Optimum 130-150 Litres water/ha

Spray Quality:
FINE to MEDIUM as defined by BCPC

Autumn – CFF, VPFF, Defy, Hawk.
Spring – CFF, VPFF, Twin Fluid and Air Inclusion 

2023 Brome questionnaire results: 

February 2024 news:

Hundreds of farmers, contractors and agronomists have indicated that brome is a growing threat in the battle against grassweeds in UK arable fields.

New data from a Corteva Agriscience survey shows that 80% of respondents have populations on their farms with the vast majority estimating it to be infesting up to 25% of their winter wheat area in 2023.

Cultural control methods such as rotational planning, delayed drilling and ploughing are being deployed on every farm involved in the research, and the brome problem has been shown to exist in all the main wheat-growing regions of England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland. 

Alister McRobbie, Cereal Herbicides Category Manager, said: “This work provides more clarity on how widespread brome issues are and the various approaches being taken to reduce populations...  continue reading

Corteva would like to thank all brome questionnaire respondents. Insights and feedback will continue to drive our work in developing solutions that support winter wheat growers as well as enabling us to give technical advice and support when it is needed most.

‘‘®™Trademarks of Corteva Agriscience and its affiliated companies. Use plant protection products safely. Always read the label and product information before use.