Article •  13/09/2024

How to get the best out of Belkar and planning your Kerb Flo 500 and Astrokerb applications

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There are a range of oilseed rape crops out there, from those that were drilled early after winter barley, to those that have struggled to establish in the hot, dry few weeks that followed the late harvest, and some crops that were drilled later once the moisture was present. With conditions still warm in early September and a lot of rain around the country, weeds are growing fast.

With Belkar®, wait until your crop is established and then tackle the weeds that are visible. Belkar offers outstanding control of a range of broad-leaved weeds including keys ones such as cleavers, cranesbill, poppy, shepherd's purse and fumitory.

Belkar has a window of application from either 1 or 15 September (depending on the rate being used) through to 31 December and it works in warm and cool conditions (down to 2°C) making it the ideal autumn herbicide. 

There are three treatment options of Belkar:
  1. At two true leaves, an application at 0.25L/ha will take out the weeds which have germinated alongside the crop and, in some circumstances, that will be enough broad-leaved control before an application of Astrokerb® (propyzamide + aminopyralid) or Kerb® Flo 500 (propyzamide) where grassweeds are a problem. 
  2. In high weed pressure situations where germination of another flush of weeds occurs, growers have the option to make a second 0.25L/ha spray. This is usually two to four weeks after the first application.
  3. Depending on workloads, growers can wait until six true leaves of the crop and all the weeds have flushed – after 15 September – to tackle bigger weeds at a rate of 0.5L/ha which will take care of the weeds going into the autumn.
Resources to support your applications of Belkar, Astrokerb and Kerb Flo 500 this autumn:
  • Have a look at our topic sheet to support decisions around weed control programmes.
  • Visit our online product pages for technical information, label, SDS and updates: Belkar, Astrokerb and Kerb Flo 500.
  • Effective stewardship is a major platform of our business. Follow our guidance, and that from the Voluntary Initiative, to ensure that autumn and winter-applied products don’t reach watercourses.
  • When you’re on the go – make use of the Corteva Arable App. Access technical information on our arable crop protection products, including tank mix and labels. Also in the app is the upgraded functionality of the Kerb Weather Data tool aimed at helping farmers optimise their application timing of Astrokerb and Kerb Flo 500 in OSR. Available on the App Store or Google Play; search "Corteva Arable".

Contact us and receive more information

Corteva Technical Hotline 
Call: 0800 689 8899 

Visit our OSR hub for product information and resources here

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