Publication •  19/04/2023

Forage Agronomy Update April 2023

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Please click here to read our Forage Agronomy Update.


In this edition:

  • Water volumes, the role of low drift technology and 3* rated nozzles
  • Sycamore seedlings in equine paddocks
  • Forage app - a key feature profiled
  • Cutting intervals - what they represent
  • Grazon Spot profiled
  • Buttercup and dandelion control
  • Curled-dock versus broad-leaved dock - what's the difference?
  • Importance of herbicide timing on a newly sown ley
  • BlueN - what is it and how does it work?
  • Choosing the right Pioneer silage inoculant
  • Ask a question
  • BASIS points

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